Tuesday, January 15, 2008

Cancer update and My Guy

First - thanks for everyone's support. It is helping. Second - I am so flippin' mad. I still don't have an appointment with the oncologist yet! No one is returning my calls. . they tell me to wait, be patient. I want to scream "I HAVE CANCER!!!" It's so weird - but I want it OUT. I want it GONE! My Dad has called me twice today. I feel guilty for worrying him and Mom. . . Ok - 'nough whining for a bit. . . I think I need to roll around naked in glitter before I go to the oncologist.
The pic with this post - this man makes me happy. Love that cheesy smile.
However, he didn't care for the GPS he received for Christmas - so I'm using it. I like it! He doesn't like it telling him where to go. . . . .hrmmmmmmmmmmm :)


stilettoheights said...

doctors suck, what kind of cancer do you have?? sorry I am being nosy.

Crafterella said...

I know this is a serious topic, but when I read about you rolling around in glitter I about fell over laughing. I'm glad you can have a sense of humor in this stiuation. I'm thinking positive thoughts about you, good luck with your treatment.